Does this sound like you?

  • Struggle with Blender's interface and not sure how to effectively learn the software ?

  • Watching tons of tutorials on modeling, rendering, and lighting just to get a decent result but loose interest midway ?

  • You like on point short tutorials so that you can invest more time in creating ?

  • You want to work on your own creations, and upload the results to social media and attract clients for projects ?

Course Trailer

Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course for best outcome

    2. The setup

    3. Editor and Interface

    4. Navigation and basic operation

    5. Delete, Add, Select, Edit mode

    6. Very important thing to note

    7. Join, Seperate, Hide

    8. Extrude and Inset

    9. Bevel

    10. Loop cut , Knife cut

    11. Spin , Parenting

    1. Lights basic

    2. Light setting

    3. Light and Shadow setting

    4. Alt D for light

    5. Camera basic

    6. Camera trick

    7. Clean up everything in the background

    8. Basic aniation keyframe

    9. Basic animation example

    10. Material basics

    11. How to render

    12. Freestyle render for outline

    1. Array 1

    2. Array 2

    3. Array 3

    4. Array 4

    5. Array 5

    6. Bevel modifier

    7. Chain

    8. Lattice

    9. Chain + Curve modifier

    10. Build

    11. Wire frame

    12. Simple deform

    13. Simple deform example

    14. Decimate

    15. Subdivision surface

    16. Skin

    17. Solidify modifier

    18. Cast

    19. Cast + Solidify

    20. Wave

    21. Ocean modifier

    22. Mirror

    23. Shrink wrap

    24. Remesh

    25. Screw basic

    26. Screw examples

    1. A better way to duplicate planes

    2. Annotate

    3. Auto smooth is a need

    4. Checker deselect

    5. Creasing

    6. Clipping borders is fun

    7. Cool stuff with wire frame

    8. Ctrl I

    9. Color in object mode

    10. Bring text to life

    11. Better snaping

    12. Better way to increse light power

    13. Bevel issue fixed

    14. Drag and drop materials

    15. GG

    16. More selection tricks

    17. Make holes with box trim

    18. Weird stuff, just for fun

    19. More weird stuff

    20. Incase you need more space

    21. Knife project

    22. Explore extrude

    23. L and grid fill

    24. Lets mirror and bisect

    25. Less popular way to add meshes

    26. Game like walk navigation

    27. F9 is life saviour

    28. Knife and quick explode


    30. Thank God for proportional editing

    31. Text on curve


    33. PE

    34. Power of proportional editing

    35. Use of poke face

    36. N for intersection


    38. Smooth and Randomize tools


    40. Shift D and alt D

    41. Set origin and edit curve

    42. Select linked

    43. SPRING

    44. Selection ways

    45. Shear tool

    46. Slow rotation effect

    47. Symmetrize - less known

    48. Shortest path and uniform scale

    49. Scaling along normals

    50. Simple way to make rogh surface

    51. Super useful - curve + screw

    1. Force

    2. Wind

    3. Vortex

    4. Magnetic field

    5. Curve guide

    6. Curve guide 2

    7. Curve guide 3

    8. Rigid body simulation

    9. Rigid body 2

    10. Soft body sim

    11. Cloth basic

    12. Controlled cloth

    1. Emitter basic

    2. Emitter 2

    3. Hair basic

    4. Hair 2

    5. Hair to monkey

    6. Scatter with hair property

    7. Scatter collection

About this course

  • $19.99
  • 202 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

If all this course did was...

  • If all this course did was get you a better portfolio and inturn more freelance opportunities coming to you, would it be worth it?

  • If all this course did was help you save hundreds and thousands of hours browsing YouTube for basic tutorials, would it be worth it?

  • If all this course did was make you acquainted with the interface, different editor, tools and potential of what blender has to offer so that you don't get daunted and starts creating stuffs ASAP, would it be worth it?

If so, then what are you waiting for ? Enroll Now to get started, and let's learn Blender better and faster

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